
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

There are various opportunities to serve the church and the community through volunteering. Please keep reading to find out where you can best serve. 

Volunteer Opportunties

Church Services

There are many opportunities to volunteer when it comes to our church services! We always need ushers, scripture readers, greeters, and attendance counters. 


Our nursery and children's ministry always needs extra hands on deck! You must pass a background check for this volunteer ministry. Ask how you can help!

John 6 Ministry

This ministry provides a free meal to the community during the months of June and July.

Pastoral Prayer Team
Join a team as we pray for the Pastor each Sunday morning in the Conference room at 8:30 a.m. Sign up in the Grand Hall or below!

Altar Flowers

If you would like to help our altar stay beautiful and dedicate flowers to someone, sign up for altar flowers!

Wednesday Nights

Do you love to cook? Do you have a calling to serve? Volunteer to help with our Wednesday night meals. We always need extra cooks and a clean-up crew. 

Homeless Ministry

Donations are always welcome to help with the homeless ministry.

Interested in serving?